WatchmenWaterloo: @You the symbolic order floats above the air in a continuous stream of 140 character messages detailing every nook and cranny of the Waterloo Mindscape.
You: @WatchmenWaterloo The separation perfected?
WatchemenWaterloo: @You the mind is now indepedent of the body as it leaks through twittering thumbs and onto this page in the right hand navigation coloumn.
You:@WatchmenWaterloo i am exposed
WatchmenWaterloo: @ You The body is captured by the image, the mind is reduced to text.
You: @WatchmenWaterloo I tweet, therefore I am.
WatchmentWaterloo: @You Through social media technologies such as twitter You are enticed through social engagement, self-validation and unsatisfied desire to record every thought in real-time.
You: @WatchmenWaterloo Private thought is now in the domain of the public sphere.
WatchmenWaterloo @You Every twitt's thought, social connection and location is recorded, fodder, for social analysis.
You@WatchmenWaterloo: I am recompiled in a data-base.
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